I know, I know. It's been a while. I'm sorry. 2012 is kicking my ass in more ways than one. Rest assured, however, I haven't stopped cooking - just posting. I have an arsenal of recipes to share with you all and I will get around to it - promise.
So let's talk about your New Years Resolutions. We are 22 days into the month. How are you doing with them? Uh huh, thought so. It's kind of a rough start-up for a lot of people. You go through a couple weeks where you declare, "Oh, I will start eating right after Saturday - I have an engagement dinner and I just know I will eat terrible." There is also, "Oh, we have our Sales Conference at work and we are going to Primo's for open menu/bar, and I just know I will eat terrible." Then you get to January 20ish and look down as you wear an oversized American Apparel sweatshirt and you think to yourself, no one can tell I've packed on a good 5-10 pounds since the Holidays (in addition to the Holiday weight I packed on at Thanksgiving and Christmas).
Guess what - we can. We all notice. A New Year's resolution to lose weight isn't about changing the way you eat - it's about changing the way you think. Now, yes, I know I sound like a Weight Watchers commercial where Jennifer Hudson is singing with a creepy-ass version of her former fat self - but I don't mean to sound cliche. You have to make that commitment to yourself that you are going to be conscious about the food choices you make, and the exercise choices you make. Getting healthy should be your primary goal - losing weight is just an added bonus. I can't tell you how many people in my life have made a decision to lose weight, get healthy, etc. in the new year - however, the majority of them have a multitude of excuses as to why they haven't. "Oh, I made cookies last night for everyone at work - and I happened to eat 5 of them in the process." Or, "I walked a mile today! Oh! I missed my turn-in to McDonalds!" And my previously mentioned favorite, "I'm starting by diet Monday. No, Tuesday. No, Thursday. Fuck it, I'm starting next week."
Here's an idea. Cut the shit. Fucking make a decision, have the will-power to commit to a lifestyle change and get your shit together. Find a motivation. That motivation should never be, "Oh, I need to look good for swim season." Or, "Jon Smith likes skinny girls and he is so dreamy, I need to get skinny!" A proper motivation is more, "I want to live longer and set an example for my kids/grandkids." Or, "I want to feel better about myself and improve my overall confidence. If people notice, great. But, I am doing this for myself." Am I wrong? I don't think so. It's all a test of will-power, self worth, and self control. You can do it.
But before you do - you HAVE to try this recipe. Since, chances are, you are starting your diet on Monday - make this for Sunday family dinner! I have always wanted to make a Carbonara dish but have always been halted by my extreme distaste for raw eggs - or "chicken babies" as I like to refer to them. This dish has egg whites in the sauce and is topped with the yolk. That's some freaky shit. I know, the heat of the sauce/pasta is supposed to cook the egg - but I'm sorry, that's still some freaky shit. The raw egg aside - the pancetta, cream sauce, ramano cheese - I mean, it's to die for. You must try this one.
So, for those of you who actually have stuck to your resolution, eat this in moderation. For those who 'are starting monday' - fucking chow down.
Anti Resolution Pasta Carbonara
1/3 pound pancetta or slab bacon
extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/3 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 eggs, separated
1/3 cup pecorino romano cheese (extra to finish)
linguine cut pasta
salt and pepper to season
First, you want to start your pasta in boiling salted water. Cook the pasta shy of al dente, as it will continue to cook in the sauce. Next, in a medium, shallow saucepan coat the bottom with extra virgin olive oil and add the pancetta cooking over medium heat. Be careful not to burn the pancetta. Once crispy, add minced garlic and stir for 20 seconds. Next, add white wine and allow for the alcohol to cook off - usually 2-3 minutes. Add cream and black pepper and stir to form a medium-thick sauce. Add cooked pasta and romano cheese. Stir in egg whites from the two eggs. Toss to incorporate the sauce and pasta. Remove from the heat and add the two egg yolks. Serve immediately, topped with additional romano cheese and freshly cracked black pepper. Enjoy.
And now...a BONUS RECIPE! You're welcome.
Perfect Romano Bread
This bread side is perfect for 'dabbing' up extra sauce or eating while preparing the pasta - as we did! The recipe is simple. Take your favorite loaf of bread from your local grocer, brush with olive oil, kosher salt, freshly ground pepper, and top half with Romano cheese. Toast under the broiler until crisp. I used a petite garlic sourdough loaf. I prefer the garlic flavor with the Romano cheese. Enjoy!